Bug Blog

Spring-Pests Holistic Pest Solutions

Spring Pests

As we are welcoming the start of warmer weather in Virginia, many of us are beginning to wonder how all of this wet weather we’ve been having since last fall will affect this year’s mosquito season.  You may have other questions about the mosquito season in Virginia, so here are some answers:


Important Termite Inspections

Termites are a very big problem to home owners. They’re almost invisible, completely quiet and have the potential to cause extensive damage before a homeowner ever recognizes that they have a problem. Termites are active in 49 of the 50 states (Alaska is too cold to sustain them), and cause more than $50 billion in property damage every year. You can imagine that there are a great many benefits to having a termite inspection on the home you are considering purchasing. Termite inspections are extremely important if you’re buying a home or living in one. Let us tell you what the reasons are.


Bugs In The Winter

It’s a known fact that most insects tend to disappear during the winter. The question is, where do bugs in the winter go and can cold weather kill those bugs? More importantly, will the cold weather exterminate them for a more pleasant spring? Here is what Holistic Pest Solutions knows about the winter tendencies of our creepy crawly pests.


Ecofriendly Cold Weather Hacks

As humans populate any area, we tend to mold it to be more comfortable for ourselves. We have lots of food on hand, access to water sources and warm housing. We also create an exorbitant amount of waste. These comforts that we need for our own survival have also created a very hospitable environment for unwanted critters.  Here are the top 4 reasons rodents love Virginia.

mouse bread

Top 4 Reasons Rodents Love Virginia

As humans populate any area, we tend to mold it to be more comfortable for ourselves. We have lots of food on hand, access to water sources and warm housing. We also create an exorbitant amount of waste. These comforts that we need for our own survival have also created a very hospitable environment for unwanted critters.  Here are the top 4 reasons rodents love Virginia.


Why The Wasp Stings

Did you know that only “social” wasps sting?  Most of the 20,000 species of wasps in the world are solitary and solitary wasps do not sting, so the wasps that most humans are more familiar with are social wasps who live in complex communities and that are normally very easy to spot.  Very few social wasps, such as paper wasps, mud daubers, yellow jackets, hornets, and umbrella wasps, create homes near human dwellings.  So why is it that most humans have been stung at some point or another?  This blog will hopefully give you insight into the dreaded wasps and who the wasp stings.


Tips To Keeping Your Home Pest-Free

Sometimes it is frustratingly easy for pests to enter our homes and wreak havoc on our lives. They manage to get in through places we never would have thought of. Central Virginia’s hot and muggy summer has kept them really happy outside for a while, but the cooler Fall and Winter weather will soon be here and the influx of pests will be looking for a way IN.