
Why Do I Have Mice

You have spent all day outside, and once you’ve come back to relax, you feel an itch, and then another, and then another! You try to count the number of mosquito bites you have, but there are too many to count! You may wonder why mosquitoes love you so much.  What is it about YOU that they just can’t get enough of?  Let’s dive in.

Bees Knees

I think we’ve all heard the phrase, “the bees knees”, but do we know what the heck it means?  Yes, I know this is supposed to be a blog about actual pests and not idioms about their knees, but hey, we all have to have our fun!  Let’s find out what the origin of “the bees knees” is and how it has buzzed it’s way into several different countries over the years.  We might even get into the “cat’s pajamas” while we’re at it!


Termite Inspection Benefits

Termites are a very big problem to home owners. They’re almost invisible, completely quiet and have the potential to cause extensive damage before a homeowner ever recognizes that they have a problem. Termites are active in 49 of the 50 states (Alaska is too cold to sustain them), and cause more than $50 billion in property damage every year.  You can imagine that there are a great many benefits to having a termite inspection on the home you are considering purchasing.  Let us tell you what they are.


Worst Pests In Virginia

You have spent all day outside, and once you’ve come back to relax, you feel an itch, and then another, and then another! You try to count the number of mosquito bites you have, but there are too many to count! You may wonder why mosquitoes love you so much.  What is it about YOU that they just can’t get enough of?  Let’s dive in.


Why Mosquitoes Love You

You have spent all day outside, and once you’ve come back to relax, you feel an itch, and then another, and then another! You try to count the number of mosquito bites you have, but there are too many to count! You may wonder why mosquitoes love you so much.  What is it about YOU that they just can’t get enough of?  Let’s dive in.


Extreme Tick Season In Virginia

Since the start of 2024 in Virginia, we’ve seen the highest level of rainfall and the 8th warmest winter in recorded history. Ticks will certainly be more prevalent in our area this Spring and Summer. It’s important to be aware of the predicted extreme tick season in Virginia and know the signs of a tick…

Spring-Pests Holistic Pest Solutions

Spring Pests

As we are welcoming the start of warmer weather in Virginia, many of us are beginning to wonder how all of this wet weather we’ve been having since last fall will affect this year’s mosquito season.  You may have other questions about the mosquito season in Virginia, so here are some answers: