6 Helpful Pest Control Tips

Winter is cold – way too cold for some of our most bothersome pests, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun creepy crawlies blog! There are some super strange things in our world, that’s for sure, but you haven’t seen strange until you’ve seen our list of the world’s weirdest insects!

worlds weirdest insects

World’s Weirdest Insects

Winter is cold – way too cold for some of our most bothersome pests, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun creepy crawlies blog! There are some super strange things in our world, that’s for sure, but you haven’t seen strange until you’ve seen our list of the world’s weirdest insects!


4 Reasons Rodents Love Virginia

As humans populate any area, we tend to mold it to be more comfortable for ourselves. We have lots of food on hand, access to water sources and warm housing. We also create an exorbitant amount of waste. These comforts that we need for our own survival have also created a very hospitable environment for unwanted critters.  Here are 4 reasons rodents love Virginia.

common pests of spring

Eat A House

There are Drywood Termites that can eat your home from the inside out and Subterranean termites that eat your house from the outside in.  Together, they cost US property owners billions of dollars in damage each year.  Eastern Subterranean termites are the most popular here in Central Virginia and they won’t hesitate to make a meal out of your house if you leave it unprotected.

Can Cold Weather Kill Bugs

It’s a known fact that most insects tend to disappear during the winter. But the
question is where do they go and can cold weather kill those bugs?  More importantly, will the cold weather exterminate them for a more pleasant spring? Here is what we know about the winter tendencies of our six legged friends.