Mouse Musings


Winter Rodents

It’s nearing the season of food and family visits but, unfortunately, it’s also nearing the season for rodents to visit. When the weather gets colder, rodents search for warmth and food. Winter rodent infestations are usually prevalent by mid-November in Virginia. The best thing to do is prevent them from coming into your home in the first place. Once inside, these small and yet resourceful critters are likely to cause a lot of problems making them one of the most dangerous fall pests homeowners must contend with.


Rodents In Virginia

Mice can get into homes and become a real problem – building nests, contaminating food, causing damage, and spreading disease. But to get rid of them, you need to understand what they do and what they like. Following are some Q&As to help you better understand rodents in Virginia. (Questions and Answers!) How do I…


Keep Wild Outside

Ever wonder where the small furry things go in the winter to stay warm? Squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice… they survive the winters somehow, right? They didn’t always have our homes to hide in when it got cold. So how do we keep WILD outside?  You have to expect that if you see one there are probably many more setting up nests and hidden food caches. As rodents tend to multiply quickly and often, the sooner you get the issue taken care of, the better.  Now, let’s try to understand what brings them into your home in the first place.


Winter Rodent Infestation

It’s nearing the season of food and family visits but, unfortunately, it’s also nearing the season for rodents to visit. When the weather gets colder, rodents search for warmth and food. Winter rodent infestations are usually prevalent by mid-November in Virginia. The best thing to do is prevent them from coming into your home in the first place. Once inside, these small and yet resourceful critters are likely to cause a lot of problems making them one of the most dangerous fall pests homeowners must contend with.

Where Do The Rodents Go

Where Do The Rodents Go

Ever wonder where the small furry things go in the winter to stay warm? Squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice… they survive the winters somehow, right? They didn’t always have our homes to hide in when it got cold. So where do the rodents go instinctively when it gets cold outside?


4 Reasons Rodents Love Virginia

As humans populate any area, we tend to mold it to be more comfortable for ourselves. We have lots of food on hand, access to water sources and warm housing. We also create an exorbitant amount of waste. These comforts that we need for our own survival have also created a very hospitable environment for unwanted critters.  Here are 4 reasons rodents love Virginia.