The Trouble With Your Jack O Lantern

The Trouble With Your Jack O Lantern

The season for scary tricks and spooky treats is upon us. Get those decorations ready, make your scarecrows, purchase your candy, and carve those pumpkins! Maybe think twice before the pumpkin carving though. Something really scary could happen if you carve those pumpkins too soon. There are some pests that will be attracted to your…

Bugs In The Eye Of A Hurricane

While we can’t stop a hurricane or even fully fathom the destruction they cause, SOME OF YOU may be wondering — where do the bugs and birds go in such a big storm? It seems the birds and bugs in the eye of the hurricane could be a common occurrence. Many of us know that…

Mosquito Bites

Mosquito Biting Season Tips

Nearly everyone knows the awful sensation, the quiet buzz, then the irritating little sting. It means mosquitoes have arrived, and they’ve found whatever skin you’ve left vulnerable. Many people may not know much about mosquitoes except how they wreak havoc on your backyard barbecue or even the short walk to your front door. We will…

Three Brown Stink Bugs

When To Treat For Stinkbugs

Soon, stinkbug season will be upon us.  You may have seen them in your house this Spring, but stinkbugs can only be effectively treated (if the goal is to keep them out of your home) in August and September.  If you’re wondering when to treat for stinkbugs, the answer is REALLY SOON and making you…

How To Keep Termites Away From Home

How To Keep Termites Away From Home

Termites can be some of the worst pests out there – causing over a billion dollars in property damage each year.  This damage is difficult to spot and when it is, it isn’t always covered by homeowner’s insurance. Every homeowner should take steps to reduce the risk of attracting termites and other wood-destroying insects.  Holistic Pest Solutions wants to offer you some tips on how to keep termites away from your home so they’re less likely to start eating it!

common pests of spring

Common Pests Of Spring

As we are welcoming the start of warmer weather in Virginia, many of us are beginning to wonder how all of this wet weather we’ve been having since last fall will affect this year’s mosquito season.  You may have other questions about the mosquito season in Virginia, so here are some answers:

Mosquito Bites

Mosquito Season In Virginia

As we are welcoming the start of warmer weather in Virginia, many of us are beginning to wonder how all of this wet weather we’ve been having since last fall will affect this year’s mosquito season.  You may have other questions about the mosquito season in Virginia, so here are some answers: