Cooler Weather Creepy Crawlies
Summer may be over, but your pest problems may not be. Here’s what you should know about three cooler weather creepy crawlies that always seem to stick around long after warmer weather is gone.
Summer may be over, but your pest problems may not be. Here’s what you should know about three cooler weather creepy crawlies that always seem to stick around long after warmer weather is gone.
Believe it or not, fall pests are already starting to make trouble for homeowners in Central Virginia. Pests are starting to look for a safe, warm place to call home during the colder late fall and winter months. Holistic Pest Solutions is here to provide you with some information about controlling fall pests and how you…
Stink Bugs are an invasive species that was brought over to the United States from Eastern Asia in the mid-1990s. Today, stink bugs are most prevalent in the mid-Atlantic region in general, but in our state of Virginia, they have a bad reputation for being a BIG annoyance.
We all know that yellow jackets are aggressive and downright mean. They’ll sting you without much provocation and then live to sting again. There are a few different reasons as to why aggressive yellow jackets are problem here in Central Virginia.
A burning question that we’ve all asked (or WANTED to ask) at some point in our life. Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? Cockroaches are one of the last insects you’d want to find in your home. They can carry disease, cause allergic reactions, and contaminate your food.
What is the most efficient transmitter of disease in the animal kingdom? The female mosquito—no fur, no fangs, just a hypodermic needle with wings. She uses scent to find us, attracted by the lactic acid and other ingredients in our perspiration. She also senses the carbon dioxide in our exhalations. The more you sweat and pant as you shoo her away, the more attractive you become to her. Mosquitoes are BACK, Virginians, and we want to help you decipher the FACTS and the MYTHS about those little ankle-biters.
You would assume that since the woodpecker spends most of its time pecking on wood, that it does so for food. That’s 100% true, BUT the WOOD is not what this bird is hungry for. Woodpeckers generally feed on insects and larvae that they find within the wood. Lately, you may even be hearing them drum away at something different like metal. Learn more about why woodpeckers peck wood and metal in our latest blog.
Termites may be tiny, but they cause about $5 billion in damage to American homes each year. Yes. We said FIVE BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGE. The thought that these invasive insects might be silently eating away at one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make can certainly be disturbing. Why do those wood-munching monsters eat wood, you may wonder? Is their diet restricted to wood, or can these teeny tiny termites cause other kinds of damage in and around your home? Read our latest blog and find out what you need to know about termites.
When humans get hungry, we’ve been known to say “I’m starving to death” or “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.” When humans are hungry, we may get a little dramatic with overstatements to express it, but ultimately, we eat. Termites skip the drama and go straight to the eating. Although they aren’t interested in eating a horse, just all parts of your HOUSE. There are Drywood Termites that can eat your home from the inside out and Subterranean termites that eat your house from the outside in. Together, they cost property owners billions of dollars in damage each year. Eastern Subterranean termites are the most popular here in Central Virginia and they won’t hesitate to make a meal out of your house if you leave it unprotected. We know a great deal about termites in Central Virginia and we’re here to tell you more about how to control them.
Termites are a very big problem to home owners. They’re almost invisible, completely quiet and have the potential to cause extensive damage before a homeowner ever recognizes that they have a problem. Termites are active in 49 of the 50 states (Alaska is too cold to sustain them), and cause more than $50 billion in property damage every year. You can imagine that there are a great many benefits to having a termite inspection on the home you are considering purchasing. Let us tell you what they are.