
Termite Infestation

The Eastern subterranean termite is the most common and widely distributed termite in the USA. Swarming generally occurs during the spring but occasionally a few smaller swarms may occur during the summer. Swarming most often occurs during the morning following a warm rain shower whereby the soil temperature is around 70°F. What’s good to remember is that Virginia’s Easter Subterranean Termites are a problem when they’re NOT SWARMING. If you have a termite infestation, contact Holistic Pest Solutions for help.


Why Do I Have Mice

You have spent all day outside, and once you’ve come back to relax, you feel an itch, and then another, and then another! You try to count the number of mosquito bites you have, but there are too many to count! You may wonder why mosquitoes love you so much.  What is it about YOU that they just can’t get enough of?  Let’s dive in.