Hornet & Wasp Control

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While bees have the cute and useful reputation in the insect kingdom, their wasp and hornet cousins have a reputation for being very aggressive. Since these little stingers tend to make their homes very near to yours, it may sometimes be necessary to remove them.

Bees, wasps, and hornets are most abundant in the warmer months. Nests and hives may be found in trees, under roof eaves, or on equipment such as ladders.  If they’re near your home, they could easily ruin outdoor activities and make yardwork  difficult. 

While they rarely go out of their way to sting, wasps and hornets may become hostile if threatened or disturbed. Their stings are painful but typically nonthreatening to those without allergies. Still, no one wants to feel the pain of one, or many, stings.

Holistic Pest Solutions serves Charlottesville, Keswick, Ivy, Crozet, Hollymead, Earlysville, Afton, Waynesboro, Fishersville, and Staunton as well as the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna and Augusta in the State of Virginia.

Q: Are Yellow Jackets aggressive?

A:  Yellow jackets are known to be very aggressive when close to humans. There 16 different yellow jacket species active in the U.S. and they will build both aerial and ground nests. Yellow jackets are capable of stinging a person multiple times.
Q: What should I do if I am stung by a bee? A:  Bees and wasps leave their sting behind in your skin and this continues to pump venom into you for a few minutes. You should therefore scrape it off right away with something with a straight edge. You may have to improvise, but this can be done with a long fingernail, a blunt knife, or even the edge of a credit card. If the sting is on or near your hands, remove any rings straight away in case of swelling. Stings hurt for a while and may itch for a few days, but usually there are no serious effects. However, some people can be severely affected, so if you have any symptoms away from the site of the sting or are concerned, particularly if you are having difficulty breathing, seek medical advice immediately.

Q: Are bees important for pollination?

A:  There are many bees and insects that are essential for pollinating our orchards and crops, e.g. bumble bees and solitary bees. It’s important to note that there are over 25,000 different species of bee in the world and many of them are under threat. In the UK, of the 254 species of wild bee (solitary and bumble bees), 25% are in the Red Data Book of endangered species. About 80% of the food on the supermarket shelves is there because bees have pollinated crops — without bees we would starve!