
Ways To Be Eco-Friendly

Here at Holistic Pest Solutions, we are mindful of our clients AND our Earth. We take pride in doing research to find the most Earth friendly solutions to your pest problems rather than just charging in with a bunch of chemicals. There are many ways to be Earth-friendly in your day-to-day. Here are some terrific ways to be eco-friendly.


5 Facts About Hornets

There’s been a good bit of news out there about hornets lately.  Hornets (not the “murder” kind) are definitely an issue in the state of Virginia right now.  Hornets certainly have a bad reputation, but they are so much more than the meanies they are portrayed as being.  Holistic Pest Solutions wants to share 5 facts about hornets that you may not know.

Where Do The Rodents Go

Where Do The Rodents Go

Ever wonder where the small furry things go in the winter to stay warm? Squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice… they survive the winters somehow, right? They didn’t always have our homes to hide in when it got cold. So where do the rodents go instinctively when it gets cold outside?

Can Cold Weather Kill Bugs

It’s a known fact that most insects tend to disappear during the winter. But the
question is where do they go and can cold weather kill those bugs?  More importantly, will the cold weather exterminate them for a more pleasant spring? Here is what we know about the winter tendencies of our six legged friends.